BLOG 20022

Are you a good Witch or a bad Witch?

Finally managed to get back into the studio for another photoshoot, this time with four witches from the Coven Burlesque. We managed to have a few video chats before the event, nice to meet someone before the shoot so you don’t meet a stranger on the day. I might continue to use Zoom as I had the idea of having a background of images from the previous shoot. Each time I have a set of video chats there is always something that comes up to add to my list of things to talk about.

There were a couple of things that changed from the last time I was in the studio.

  • This was the first time I was using my Sony α7III with the new Sony 24-105 f4 lens, this did not need an adaptor, unlike the Canon version. I had requested of the Coven that they have a witchy-based outfit and a couple of others to give me a large number of shots to play with.

  • As this was another 8-hour shoot (10 till 6) I tried a change from previous shoots. Instead of waiting until around lunchtime to eat and then feeling heavy in the afternoon, I instead ate a little but often, a quick bite of a sandwich here and there while the model was changing and remembering to keep hydrated.

  • One last change was unexpected, I had begun to stand up and take shots rather than sit down on the chair provided. The 8 hours flew by this time!

I was going to set up a numbered set of sticky notes on the walls, I was to put them around the studio and ask the models to look at each one to keep a constant eye line between the shots. However, I forget them so maybe next time.

The editing comes easier now on these shots, I wouldn’t say they were produced any quicker, just the flow of A to B is easier in my work through. Multiple techniques are employed for a final shot. In the gallery below you will see some variant shots as I could not quite decide which was the better image… so why not have both? Background iconography was used to frame the subject in a number of shots, and for the first time, I think, I used perspective tools to form the end of a corridor for one of the shots.

I hope to be in the studio again soon!

End of year walk

Shall I go out? It’s New Year’s Eve and it is not raining so put on a coat and go out! I consulted Google maps and plotted out a route I wanted to take. I had with me my Sony α7iii with a Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS Lens nailed to it. Exiting London Bridge station I walked east along Tooley Street to my first location.

The Shard photobombed this shot and was very tall, one of the security guards told me they were lighting it up later in the evening. I wasn’t going to wait that long to be honest so I smiled through my mask and walked on.

There were more people walking along the south bank than I thought there would be, I wonder how many selfies I walked into in the few minutes it took me to get to my next destination. So this is Tower Bridge and of course, there is a London bus on it, there had to be and yes I did wait. I am not sure where the dingy was going though…

Crossing over the bridge, as it was much better than trying to ford the river, I stopped halfway to take the above shot. To me it seemed all the other buildings did not like to talk to other and were huddled to one side.

I walked the rest of the bridge dodging more tourists waving selfie sticks around like spears and walked past the south side of the Tower of London without taking a shot, to be honest, it didn’t inspire me and I could see more selfie sticks than cranes. As I walked along Lower Thames Street I took this shot of a tree but I was photobombed by the Shard again in the distance.

Ignoring the Shard I continued towards St Dunstan in the East church, who had struck up a conversation with the Walkie Talkie building, Probably discussing how rude other buildings were. Then finally onto The Monument. There is no way I think I could make it up there this time… near killed myself last time although it was the height of summer.

Turning right, instead of walking face-first into The Monument, I walked up Lovat Lane. This looked like an old pathway and most of the buildings were brick-faced and not covered in glass, like most modern ones. I wuoldn’t have minded if a horse and cart came trundling down and ran me over.

[ I really should have named this blog post ‘Shots of buildings from a distance‘ ]

Once at home I curated the images and found the sharpness of the Sony FE 24-105mm was fantastic, most of these shots were taken at f4,5.6 and 8 to get more of the distance in focus so I am very pleased with my Sony kit now.

I wonder what this new year will bring?