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Are you a good Witch or a bad Witch?

Finally managed to get back into the studio for another photoshoot, this time with four witches from the Coven Burlesque. We managed to have a few video chats before the event, nice to meet someone before the shoot so you don’t meet a stranger on the day. I might continue to use Zoom as I had the idea of having a background of images from the previous shoot. Each time I have a set of video chats there is always something that comes up to add to my list of things to talk about.

There were a couple of things that changed from the last time I was in the studio.

  • This was the first time I was using my Sony α7III with the new Sony 24-105 f4 lens, this did not need an adaptor, unlike the Canon version. I had requested of the Coven that they have a witchy-based outfit and a couple of others to give me a large number of shots to play with.

  • As this was another 8-hour shoot (10 till 6) I tried a change from previous shoots. Instead of waiting until around lunchtime to eat and then feeling heavy in the afternoon, I instead ate a little but often, a quick bite of a sandwich here and there while the model was changing and remembering to keep hydrated.

  • One last change was unexpected, I had begun to stand up and take shots rather than sit down on the chair provided. The 8 hours flew by this time!

I was going to set up a numbered set of sticky notes on the walls, I was to put them around the studio and ask the models to look at each one to keep a constant eye line between the shots. However, I forget them so maybe next time.

The editing comes easier now on these shots, I wouldn’t say they were produced any quicker, just the flow of A to B is easier in my work through. Multiple techniques are employed for a final shot. In the gallery below you will see some variant shots as I could not quite decide which was the better image… so why not have both? Background iconography was used to frame the subject in a number of shots, and for the first time, I think, I used perspective tools to form the end of a corridor for one of the shots.

I hope to be in the studio again soon!