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Andy Van der Graaf

Head Shot!

I was contacted by Andy Van der Graaf who was requesting some simple head shots to be taken. I suggested we meet at Canary Wharf station. I had walked around there a few years back and had found it to be very quiet. Multitudes of tourists in the background do not make a good head shot.

I was looking for a neutral background for our head shot and settled on a marble pillar down by the water front.

Some of them were in shadow so I asked Andy to stand in the light rather than the shade. This was a not to hot March afternoon, the sun was past its zenith but was still very strong. After a few shots the sun was was causing Andy to blink a lot! The shot seen here was taken at 1/4000th of a second!

We took a number of shots then retreated from the sun to a nearby pub where Andy (using Adobe Lightroom on my laptop) chose his favourites for processing and delivery.

Good luck with the head shots Andy!

While we were wandering around Canary Wharf we walked through a corridor connecting one street to another. I immediately saw an opportunity for a photo right there, lots of lines receding into the distance! I asked Andy to pose as near to the centre as possible as I knew which type of editing I would be going for.